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Asteroid 23406 Kozlov

Alternate IDs:
1977 QO3, 1999 SM1

Data sets with data for Asteroid 23406 Kozlov:

Asteroid 23406 Kozlov (top)

2MASS Asteroid and Comet Survey V2.0 (1 data product)

J MAGNITUDE 2MASS * J band selected magnitude in the 2MASS survey, or if the source is not detected in the J-band, the 95% confidence upper limit derived from a 4 arcsec radius aperture measurement taken at the position of the source on the Atlas Image. (The Atlas Images are quick-look images suitable for deriving positional information but not accurate photometry.) The origin of the magnitude is given by the first character of the rd_flg value.
J MAGNITUDE 2MASS UNC * Corrected photometric uncertainty for the J-band magnitude in the 2MASS survey. If rd_flg[1]=2, this is the measurement error from the profile-fitting procedure, corrected to be consistent with observed repeatability statistics. If rd_flg[1]=1 or 4, this is the RMS of the brightness measured in aperture photometry on the individual frames. If rd_flg=3, the uncertainty is derived from the residuals to the 1-d radial profile fit (averaging over azimuth) to the unsaturated wings of the bright source. If J_MAG_SIG > 8.0, it is a flag value indicating that a meaningful uncertainty could not be determined for the source. This column is null if the magnitude is a 95% confidence upper limit (rd_flg[1]=0 or 6) or if the source is not measurable (rd_flg[1]=9).
H MAGNITUDE 2MASS * H band selected magnitude in the 2MASS survey, or if the source is not detected in the H-band, the 95% confidence upper limit derived from a 4 arcsec radius aperture measurement taken at the position of the source on the Atlas Image. (The Atlas Images are quick-look images suitable for deriving positional information but not accurate photometry.) The origin of the magnitude is given by the second character of the rd_flg value.
H MAGNITUDE 2MASS UNC * Corrected photometric uncertainty for the H-band magnitude in the 2MASS survey. If rd_flg[2]=2, this is the measurement error from the profile-fitting procedure, corrected to be consistent with observed repeatability statistics. If rd_flg[2]=1 or 4, this is the RMS of the brightness measured in aperture photometry on the individual frames. If rd_flg=3, the uncertainty is derived from the residuals to the 1-d radial profile fit (averaging over azimuth) to the unsaturated wings of the bright source. If H_MAG_SIG > 8.0, it is a flag value indicating that a meaningful uncertainty could not be determined for the source. This column is null if the magnitude is a 95% confidence upper limit (rd_flg[2]=0 or 6) or if the source is not measurable (rd_flg[2]=9).
KS MAGNITUDE 2MASS * Ks band selected magnitude in the 2MASS survey, or if the source is not detected in the Ks-band, the 95% confidence upper limit derived from a 4 arcsec radius aperture measurement taken at the position of the source on the Atlas Image. (The Atlas Images are quick-look images suitable for deriving positional information but not accurate photometry.) The origin of the magnitude is given by the third character of the rd_flg value.
KS MAGNITUDE 2MASS UNC * Corrected photometric uncertainty for the Ks-band magnitude in the 2MASS survey. If rd_flg[3]=2, this is the measurement error from the profile-fitting procedure, corrected to be consistent with observed repeatability statistics. If rd_flg[3]=1 or 4, this is the RMS of the brightness measured in aperture photometry on the individual frames. If rd_flg=3, the uncertainty is derived from the residuals to the 1-d radial profile fit (averaging over azimuth) to the unsaturated wings of the bright source. If KS_MAG_SIG > 8.0, it is a flag value indicating that a meaningful uncertainty could not be determined for the source. This column is null if the magnitude is a 95% confidence upper limit (rd_flg[3]=0 or 6) or if the source is not measurable (rd_flg[3]=9).
16.628 0.147 16.478 0.248 15.230

Asteroid 23406 Kozlov (top)

Asteroid Names and Discovery V12.0 (1 data product)

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