* IAU-adopted absolute V magnitude (H)
SLOPE PARAMETER * IAU-adopted slope parameter (G) | SLOPE PARAMETER ORIGIN FLAG * Those slope parameters that were determined by fitting the IAU-adopted phase function to data are given an origin code letter of 'f' (for 'fitted'); all others are given a code letter of 'a' (for 'assumed'). | MPC REFERENCE * Minor Planet Circular (MPC) or Minor Planet Orbit Supplement (MPO) reference |
14.7 | 0.15 | a | MPC 31483 |
ZAPPALA FAMILY NAME * Familiy name in the family analysis of Zappala et al. (1995) | ZAPPALA CLUMP FLAG * Indicates whether the Zappala family designation is a clump or a family, as defined in Zappala et al. (1995). F = family, C = clump. | ZAPPALA FAMILY CONFIDENCE LEVEL * Confidence level of Zappala family membership, defined as quality code (QC) in Zappala et al. 1995. |
Massalia | F | 2 |
DISCOVERY DATE * Date of discovery of an object | DISCOVERY LOCATION * Location where the discovery observation of an object was made | DISCOVERER NAMES * The name(s) of the discoverer(s) of an object |
1973-09-28 | Nauchnyj | Chernykh, N. S. |
MK RESONANCE FLAG * Resonance flag as defined in Milani and Knesevic 1994, Icarus 107, 219. | MK MEAN ELEMENTS QUALITY CODE * Mean elements quality code as defined in Milani and Knesevic 1994, Icarus 107, 219. | MK OSCULATING ELEMENTS QUALITY CODE * Osculating elements quality code as defined in Milani and Knesevic 1994, Icarus 107, 219. | MOTHEFAM FAMILY MEMBERSHIP * The family membership as defined in the Mothe-Diniz et al. asteroid family data set. |
0 | 0 | 0 | Massalia |
* NEOWISE best-fit effective spherical diameter, or assumed value if not fitted.
* NEOWISE unceratinty in the best-fit effective spherical diameter, or assumed value if not fitted.
NEOWISE V ALBEDO * NEOWISE best-fit visible geometric albedo, or assumed value if not fitted. | NEOWISE V ALBEDO UNCERTAINTY * NEOWISE uncertainty of the best-fit visible geometric albedo, or assumed value if not fitted. | NEOWISE THERMAL BEAMING PARAMETER * NEOWISE best-fit NEATM thermal beaming parameter, or assumed value if not fitted. | NEOWISE THERMAL BEAMING PARAMETER UNCERTAINTY * NEOWISE uncertainty of the best-fit NEATM thermal beaming parameter, or assumed value if not fitted. | NEOWISE REFERENCE CODE * NEOWISE reference code to the original publication of fitted parameters. See the refrence.tab in the dataset for the full reference |
2.515 | 0.678 | 0.442 | 0.150 | 1.000 | 0.518 | Mas11 |